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Monthly Archives: December 2024

Thyroid treatment

Thyroid treatment For those who are diagnosed with thyroid disorders. There different treatment approaches depending on the type of thyroid disease and the severity of the disorder.  The Common Thyroid Symptoms

Warning signs of abnormal thyroid

Warning signs of abnormal thyroid Disorders can affect many parts of the body and can sometimes be hard to notice because thyroid disease does not have specific symptoms. What does the thyroid do? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the

What is herpes on the mouth?

What is herpes on the mouth? Herpes Labialis (Cold Sores) is a contagious skin disease that is mostly caused by infection with the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1). According to information. Can be found frequently in people under the age of 50, approximately 3.7

Who needs to see a dietitian?

Who needs to see a dietitian? When having health problems, be sure to consult a dietitian in addition to seeing a doctor. People who should consult a dietitian include:  Frequently Asked Questions About Dietitians 1. Where do dietitians work? Dietitians, as another medical professional, typically

Why is a dietitian important?

Why is a dietitian important? In addition to following the doctor’s instructions and taking medication, dietitians are also an important role as medical assistants who are very important for both patients and doctors. This is because dietitians will help assess nutritional status, analyze causes, plan